CWM Company, Inc.
701 South Grand Avenue West
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Voice: 217-522-8001
Fax: 217-522-8009

901 North Carbon Street, Suite 8
Marion, Illinois 62959
Voice: 618-997-2238


CWM Company, Inc.

CWM Company is an established environmental consulting firm.  We specialize in property assessments such as Phase I environmental assessments, Phase II environmental sampling and  Phase III environmental clean-ups.  CWM Company also specializes in the remediation of soil and groundwater contamination, resulting from leaking underground storage tank (LUST) systems and other petroleum-related releases.  We are licensed with the Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) as a licensed tank removal contractor.  We offer field oversight and assistance in complying with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) and Illinois Department of Transportation's (IDOT) regulatory and reporting process.

CWM Company offers a unique financial plan to its clients, which limits out-of-pocket expenses beyond the deductible for LUST projects. This plan is beneficial to small companies and individual owners and operators who have limited capital and cash flow resources designated only to its operation. Expenses incurred beyond the deductible are deferred until the tank owner receives reimbursement from the IEPA’s LUST Fund. CWM has assisted numerous tank owners for nearly twenty years by deferring remediation costs. CWM has assisted its clients in securing No Further Remediation (NFR) letters from the IEPA without the burden of carrying the remediation costs.