CWM Company, Inc.
701 South Grand Avenue West
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Voice: 217-522-8001
Fax: 217-522-8009

901 North Carbon Street, Suite 8
Marion, Illinois 62959
Voice: 618-997-2238



This is another technology that uses natural organisms to remediate contaminated soils. It can be applied either in-situ (in-ground) or ex-situ (above-ground). Bioremediation is a viable option for sites with optimal soil characteristics and in-situ application can prevent the need for excavation of a site and associated disruption of business activities.

Bioremediation is capable of reducing contaminants associated with other petroleum substances such as heating oil and diesel fuels in addition to gasoline constituents. CWM has patented its own bioremediation process which has been used to obtain No Further Remediation letters without restrictions at numerous Leaking Underground Storage Tank sites.