CWM Company, Inc.
701 South Grand Avenue West
Springfield, Illinois 62704
Voice: 217-522-8001
Fax: 217-522-8009

901 North Carbon Street, Suite 8
Marion, Illinois 62959
Voice: 618-997-2238



In response to our clients’ growing concerns over long-term liability, which comes with landfill disposal, as well as its steep cost, the CWM Company has concentrated its efforts, where scientifically suitable, toward alternative remediation technologies. The advantages of landfilling, the conventional method of soil remediation, are the simplicity of the operation and quickness of completion. The major disadvantages are the expense of hauling and long-term liability, which is inherent. Therefore, CWM often prefers to explore the various forms of alternative technology as remediation options.

In cases where the contaminated soil contains elevated levels of lead or metals or other petroleum constituents, landfill disposal may be the only method currently approved by the IEPA. However, in cases of gasoline-contaminated soils, more attractive, less obtrusive methods of remediation exist. CWM can help you plan the best method for your site.